The Iloilo Provincial Government intends to spend P23 million for cash gift of Barangay Health Workers (BHWs). Which opens to mind this position and consideration – Shouldn't the proposed P23 million this province have should and must benefit, as far as practicable, the most number of Iloilo's constituents?
This earnest suggestion then – how about spending the amount on equipment that will benefit everybody regardless of color, creed or political preference?
Isn't that a more judicious spending of public funds? Say for instance one nebulizer and one sphygmomanometer (commonly known as blood pressure instrument) for each barangay of this province.
This suggestion is not without good reason. Confucius once said: "Give a man fish and he lives for a day. Teach a man how to fish and he eats for as long as he lives." It still holds true today.
Spending the P23 million on barangay health workers is not a bad idea. These people will "eat for a day." But spending one half of that P23 million on health equipment to benefit all people in every barangay of this province IS A BETTER IDEA. That would make a lasting and profound benefit for our constituents, which would make them more self-reliant and less dependent on government dole-outs. They will "eat for as long as they live."
SHOULD the Ilonggo taxpayers spend P23 million on BHW cash gifts or should we use that money for barangay health equipment."